Hike, Forrest, Hike!

I don’t have time right meow to do a deep dive into this afternoon’s hike, but I’m excited to have the nearby urban hiking paths fully re-opened! On that note, I thought I’d scribble out a fun observation I made after discovering the new bridgework that was completed during the partial closures last Fall.

I promise to write more about the overall experience from today later this weekend when the paths in Forest Park look more like the line for an E-Ticket ride at Disney World than an actual hiking trail.

Here’s another example of the newest bridge installations along the Macleay and Wildwood Trails

These are much more durable than prior incarnations. Instead of the earlier simple wood constructs

these new versions are steel treads with square iron tube lined rails. The only wood on these new bad boys is the easy to replace banister. And for all the durable metal used, they still blend beautifully into the natural surroundings. Blending is good, but not worth raising the ire of OSHA like this bridge example from two iterations back!

Sure, we don’t need no stinking rails, it’s not even that high of a bridge! Obviously, that thought was pre-cell phone and Instagram generation hikers…regardless – since we obviously still have a mix of the three bridge styles in use along the paths – these current bridges are way better than the original versions…

Hike, Forrest, Hike!

4 thoughts on “Hike, Forrest, Hike!

  1. I love the pics. The woods and those natural bridge makes me wana climb through each of them šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹ I love hiking adventures too. Waiting to read more about the overall experience.

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  2. I imagine what the indigenous peoples would think if they could see the latest versions? The wooden structure with no handrails would have been quite a challenge for some people with alternative mobility abilities. The hike should be fun! Enjoy! Naked hugs!

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    1. It was amazing! I was pleased to see several people along my walk that were working hard at a slow pace to be out there and a couple solo hikers with walking poles. I was really impressed with the effort they were putting into being outdoors and it made me happy that Portland has preserved this natural area for its citizens.

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