I Joined A Cult

What? I’ve had free time, what did you expect an unsupervised, grumpy, old Xtopher to do…watch Mrs Doubtfire until 3 AM?

Ok, I did that, as well.

Phair warning, Fill – wait, that doesn’t look quite right – you might want to stop reading now. Just this post, though…tune in again next week.

I bought it. I’ve talked about it a little here before with mixed to neutral reactions…but I bought a Peloton.

Because it’s me…well, several things:

Alpha) I bought it used, because I’m cheap – which goes well with me being poor. Well, poor for a gay white guy. Privilege acknowledged.

Beta) I picked it up and took my first ride on April 1st…again, because it’s me and my fucked up sense of humor wouldn’t have it any other way.

Gamma) Crap. I’m having a C.R.S. moment…hopefully, it comes back to me in proof mode.

I’d planned this post for the first of July, just to give it a quarter to get some results under my belt. Then I lost 20 lbs in my first month of riding and could barely hold back posting about it then.

Luckily, my natural apathy and proChristination allowed me to resist that impulse.

But I really felt I needed to give myself a full quarter to develop consistent habits. Seemed fair enough, since I’d been holding the purchase out as a reward for consistency on my New Year’s Resolution of being more active and eating better.

Oh, it’s back!

Gamma) Since I am a grumpy, old man, I wasn’t going to wait 60 days for delivery. I was low-key scouring Craigslist for a used bike to jump the line. Like hell I was joining a club with a waitlist. I don’t do lines.

Anyhoo…slap my ass and call me a meteorologist, because I manifested a perfect storm. I got my bike without waiting and saved $800 by getting it second hand. The poor schlub I bought it off had decamped to his house in Hawaii over the pandemic and couldn’t find a moving company to take his bike from the she-she West Hills to Hawaii…so he just bought a new bike to be delivered there.

Glad I don’t have his unmitigated gall problems.

So, like I mentioned, I dropped 20 lbs in the first month, which I was very happy with. Month two got me to the right (for me) side of 200, which made sense as I started putting mean mass back on in my lil toothpick legs.

Definitely a trajectory I wouldn’t mind holding. That, of course, put me at my colonoscopy month. If you know the prep routine, you know…if you don’t know, I won’t ruin the surprise.

I didn’t expect to hold this weight – again, if you know… – but I could see it on the horizon. Today’s weigh-in put me right at 195.

Not a lot of wiggle room. But I’m getting plenty of salads and veggies – by comparison to the Before Diet, I’m sure my doc and mother would still happily see me eating more – so I expect between that snd continued consistency, sub-190 weights are within reason over the next 2-3 months. It would be great if I could get into the 180s by the six month mark.

See, we shall, hmm?

It’s been a fun <ahem> ride this far. I’m still excited to get on my bike, whether it’s participating in the monthly challenges, following specific crushes instructors, taking Artist Series rides or just the dreaded schlep to the scale that gets me there is a variety I can appreciate. Keeps my motivation from stagnating.

For instance, the first month I rode, I focused on getting Gold Medals in the Miles Rode and Days Active challenges. The thresholds are 50/100/150 miles ridden and 10/15/20 days active. Even taking Bronze in either is a win for anyone, regardless of one’s fitness level.

Month two, I was focused on streaks. In April, I managed a couple low streaks of active days. This was mainly due to my focus on riding versus other classes offered. They offer strength, stretching, yoga, boot camp and…probably some I forgot. In month two, I made sure to add in some strength and stretching classes. And I really needed the stretching! This also enabled longer active days streaks. I set a goal to get to a 10 day streak, and then took a couple days off and went into a 20 day streak.

Which took us to month three. And I’m just gonna say that a 20 day streak may have broken my mojo a tad. My active days dropped by half in July. But like I said, a Bronze Medal in my monthly challenges is better than nothing.

But after a month of “rest” – ie: active 14 days instead of 26 – I relearned something. Rest is a good thing! For the first week of August, I PRed four times out of four active days.

Apparently, not resting on my laurels equated to…

And, yeah…

So, between joining Peloton and doing an Artist Series ride featuring Justin Bieber music…I’d say I joined at least one cult. But considering I’m a native Oregonian, I could have done worse.

Again, if you know

Alright, now that I’m “out” about it, I’m accountable to people other than my own inner voices – who are also totally real people. Even if that also means getting filleted by Phil in the comments. Hehe…I’ll take it, because that also comes with the Silver Fox telling me that if I lose any more weight, I’m gonna need new clothes. Better that than the reality that I had one pair of jeans and two pairs of shorts that fit at the beginning of April…and a whole drawer of tee shirts that didn’t fit. Still working on the fit looking good, but I’m enjoying the “fresh” wardrobe options after burning 30 lbs.

I Joined A Cult

9 thoughts on “I Joined A Cult

  1. I did the unthinkable and joined a (cheap but incredibly well furnished) gym. I don’t do teams. I had weight machines, not for the Charles Atlas body builder thing, since 83? The reason I bounced back from hernia surgery in no time. After 2004 and the great downsizing I lost my last one. No big deal, I have some free weights. Did I mention a discipline problem? Now I have accountability, several of each machine for every muscle (almost) in my body and pain. I even do weighted aerobic crap. Like Twain, I’m not sure I’d belong to a club that would have me, but there I am. So congrats on the bike. But working out with gleeful glistening youthful narcissists with 2% body fat, stupid hair and more tats than a Bombay pirate? Stupid hair is one thing, been there. But the rest? And paying for the privilege of associating?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wait, wait…you joined a gym?!? Now I’m certain it’s the end of the world. I remember you mentioning your garage set up, what changed your mind? For me, the final straw with my gym was going back post-lockdown during the appointment only restrictions and seeing what idiots my fellow members were. Instead of spraying down equipment after using it, they would pick up the towel they just been laying on and wipe the bench/equipment down with it…effectively smearing their germs all over the damn thing. The one person (besides me) who did use the sanitizer spray, cleaned the machine first and then wadded up his paper towel and shoved it into the cup holder. I knew I was never going back after watching those knuckleheads trying to pretend like they gave a damn. That’s why your disclosure really surprised me!

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      1. This one has a cleanliness routine where shaming and 20 year old females wnder aaround making sure. There are sani-wipe stations all over by the machines as well as bottles of spray goo and paper towels and if you don’t wipe down someone behind you will grunt and roll their eyes and wipe it down and report you. Kinda like working out in Cold War Russia, or smoking pot in the 70s. I searched and visited widely before signing on. And the leg and arm series I wasn;t getting from my infrequent free weights is making me feel way better for a geezer. Plus this place has a geezer contingent so it’s not all Asian female Arnie’s squat pressing 120 or 40 something guys trying to prove something.

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